Sunday, 19 March 2017

Feel the Calm

In the early days of learning mixed media painting, I never thought I'd get so much enjoyment playing with colours, textures and techniques.  I wish you could see the layers and details that my camera didn't pick up - it's truly amazing.

My favourite piece so far!

I have a few paintings on the go - some really vibrant and multi-coloured, others very soft.  I go with how I feel on the day.  For this painting I decided on four colours - 2 shades of purple, white, and a transparent green. You could say I was 'keepin' it simple'.

There are times when I can't decide what message I want for my paintings.  I really struggled this time, however, my diary of thoughts and feelings certainly came in handy.  When I look at this painting I see a magical forest with a wee bit of light shining through.  The words in my diary popped out at me - Breathe in. Breathe out. Feel the Calm.

How does this painting make you feel? Did you take a moment to take a thoughtful breath in and out? It really is so calming.

Thank you once again for stopping by.  Your comments are always welcome.


1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write a comment! You've made my day!